
October 03, 2008

XDR-TB: Spread the story. Stop the disease.

Creating awareness of extremely drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB)

"This is a race between the ability of a deadly, mutated bacteria to spread, and our ability to spread awareness first. Health authorities know what needs to be done, but politicians and the public at large don't have XDR-TB on their radar. That's what James Nachtwey's powerful TED Prize wish is all about."

TED Prize Winner James Nachtwey Unveils
XDR-TB Focus of Global Photography Wish Project

"Award-winning photojournalist James Nachtwey revealed today the disease XDR-TB as the subject of his TED Prize wish. Nachtwey is premiering a slideshow that is the culmination of his wish to share an underreported worldwide story using news photography in the digital age. The story will be spread via an eight-page spread in TIME magazine, a gathering of global activists and leaders, and outdoor screenings around the world and across teh Internet in an effort to raise awareness about the disease.

"The TED Prize is awarded annually to three exceptional individuals who each receive $100,000 and granting of "One Wish to Change the World." In raising awareness about the XDR-TB, a virulent, mutated strain of traditional TB existent in 49 countries and responsible for more than 20,000 preventable deaths each year, Nachtwey comments, "Photographers go to the extreme edges of human experience to show people what's going on. They aim their pictures at your best instincts: generosity, a sense of right and wrong, the ability and the willingness to identify with others, the refusal to accept the unacceptable..." ~
Read this link for the full story

Spread the story. Stop the disease.


TED Blog:
2007 TED Prize winner James Nachtwey

YouTube: James Nachtwey

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