July 09, 2012

Women Know Your Limits! (pppsssstttt....satire!)

This video cracks me up! Is it my age, or do younger people think it's funny, too? It was created by Harry Enfield as a satire of the 1950's Coronet films we watched in grade school. You can find Coronet films on YouTube if you enjoy watching social programming in action. (I can still smell the oiled floors in our school's projector room.) Actually, considering how rude people can be today, it might be time for Social Courtesy , part two. 

Have a good laugh! You probably need one...



  1. BWAHAHAHAHAAA! Thanks CZ-I really need to go look up a few of those! I remember the "In Case Of Nuclear Attack" films from school: We were suppose to get under our desks and cover our heads with our hands. (We actually practiced this...maneuver.)
    No body ever mentioned the follow-up: "And kiss your azz good-bye!"

  2. Glad you both got a kick out of that video, too!

    I do remember tucking my body under the desk at school during random nuclear attack drills. Imagine?!! It's totally weird thinking back on it.

    I loved the last line of your comment, "Kiss your azz good-bye!" hahaha!!!


  3. I don't see how any of that could be construed as satire. It's scientific fact that women never left the gold and diamond standard. Ask my first wife.
    This gave me a definitive explanation of how her brain processed information.

  4. Not to mention she had a dashing and sporty beard that rivaled mine.

    1. LOL! She sounds just lovely, q1605. Ha! You made me laugh out loud!

      p.s. What's wrong with having a beard? Good thing you can't see me behind this computer.


  5. Not seen this in years! Simply brilliant.

    Ps. Thanks for writing this blog. Sites like this help so many people.

    Much love to you all x

    1. Thank you for reading and commenting, anonymous. I hope my blog adds to public understanding of pathological relationships. For far too long, people have turned themselves into pretzels trying to figure out why a relationship was dysfunctional (or even toxic). Now that people have access to psychological information about pathology, they are spreading their relief and joy (ha!) to the world.

      I have found that my appreciation for other people has increased because of what I've learned about NPD.

      Much love returned,

    2. Learning about npd has helped me recover from ex. I thought I was to blame for the breakdown of my family unit until I did the research.

      My story is the same as many others so I won't go into it but 3 years after leaving my husband I still don't trust men. I hope this is doesn't last because there are good men out there.

      Hugs and love to you all!

      Sock mom x

    3. It won't last. You have a son. There are mean and rotteN meN in our world and right now, you're learning All About Them. That makes their numbers appear larger than they actually are.

      At least you aren't rushing into a rebound relationship, being less choosy than you should be because you're too fresh out of an abusive relationship.

      Really, people push mothers into a second relationship believing the kids are better having a (step)father in the home. Hummm...I surely don't agree with that. Once children have been abandoned by birth Dad, it takes a really good step father to be better than no father at all in the home.

      I think we should empower women to be better mothers rather than pushing them into new relationships too soon...the statistics just aren't that good for second marriages.

      I remember from your prior comments that you're struggling to make ends meet. This can be a primary reason for women to seek new partners. But our kids need us more than ever, so sharing our time with a new stepDad might create more problems than we can imagine.

      Just a thought on being a single mother. I wish society were more supportive and validating of single mothers instead of blaming every sin in our world on 'fatherless' homes. GGGGRRRRRR...

      You go, Sock Mom. You Are a WoNderful Woman of Worth.


  6. Yeah I have heard so many bad things about single mums - it's as if its my fault I am raising my kids alone!

    The fact is that my being with an abusive man was damaging my kids - my boy might grow up thinking men should be this way and my girl might think I
    deserved to be treated badly therefore she deserves it from boyfriends to come too.

    To be honest I am on a strict budget but I feel in control of my finances now. My ex would spend loads on himself but I would be expected to provide hot dinners and socks (lol) for my kids on my 'pocket money'.

    Much love to other sock moms and single mothers out there! Life is hard but we're living well and loving it x

    Ps. Loving my new name.

    1. I am loving your new name, too...made me laugh out loud typing it this morning. In fact, I'm thinking of a new article for my site, titled "Sock Moms".

      For those who are interested, this is the reference thread where Sock Mom and I were talking:

      Ns & Ws: Its all about narcissistic supply

      Like you, my sister's X paid one month of child support and nothing since. His son is nearly twenty-one and they divorced when he was five years old. Her situation as a single Mom has opened my eyes to women's experiences as single mothers. It's downright ridiculous the things people say. And IF she had married one of those guys and he didn't bond with her son, she'd have been criticized for marrying too soon.


      I should save my moral outrage for the article, right?

      Hugs to you and your children,

  7. Haha! Yes. Please save something for your article. I look forward to reading it.

    My ex did the same as your sister's. He gave me a couple hundred with piles of self pity , three years ago. That was a week before he attempted to top himself. I honestly think the money , the suicide attempt were all about luring me back. Because I ain't seen a penny since!

    But back to the point of my post - the reason I stay on my own is because I believe that until I feel I can choose a man that would be both good for me and my kids I shouldn't choose one at all.

    I don't fear being alone. I fear ending up with the
    wrong guy. Again.

    Now I need to stop ranting!!!

    Sock mom has been on the merlot tonight :-)


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